波特兰 Portland
- 产品类别
- 水泥类
- 风格
- 现代简约
- 纹理
- 石材
- 使用场景
- 客厅 / 卧室 / 餐厨 / 卫浴 / 地面 / 墙面
- 主要规格
- 600x600 mm
- 颜色
图集 Photo Gallery
产品故事 Story
1824年10月21日,英国泥水匠阿斯谱丁因水泥而一举成为流芳百世的发明人。该水泥在水化硬化后时的颜色类似英国波特兰地区建筑用石料的颜色,所以被称为“波特兰水泥”。波特兰位于英吉利海峡,是一座由石灰岩组成的连陆岛,它是世界遗产侏罗纪海岸的重要组成部分,以地质地貌而闻名。曾被用来建造圣保罗大教堂以及白金汉宫的波特兰石灰石至今仍在此被开采。On October 21, 1824, J. Aspdin, a bricklayer of Britain bounded into fame forever as he invented cement. As the cement takes on a color similar to that of a stone commonly used in construction in Portland of Britain after hydration and hardening, it is known as “Portland Cement”. Portland is located by the English Channel and it is a attached island consisting of limestone and an important part of the world heritage Jurassic Coast. It is famous for its topography. People are still exploring such a Portland limestone which was used to build Saint Paul’s Cathedral and Buckingham Palace.
发布者:囧人说事 |
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