维森系列-金花梨 Golden Bubinga
生长于尼罗河、刚果河热带雨林的非洲金花梨, 如同会发光的软黄金般尊贵而稀少。其材质上等, 品相好, 纹理优美, 色相好, 是非洲珍贵的自然资源之一。采用现代3D喷墨工艺技术, 原模压制, 温润光泽的质感, 特色的纹理个性中不失大家风范, 高贵中不失典雅, 打造马可波罗瓷砖中的传世臻品之作。
- 产品类别
- 木纹类
- 风格
- 现代简约 / 欧式 / 美式
- 纹理
- 木纹 / 凹凸
- 使用场景
- 客厅 / 卧室 / 地面
- 主要规格
- 150x600 / 150x900 mm
- 颜色
图集 Photo Gallery
产品故事 Story
源自非洲金花梨, 又叫非洲紫檀木, 是非洲产的花梨中材质好, 纹理优美的一种。相传明朝郑和下西洋直抵东非, 非洲花梨在返航时作为压舱木, 被带回中国, 曾轰动一时。金花梨木蕴育非洲文明的尼罗河流域的热带雨林, 以黄褐色基调为主打, 温润光泽的质感, 特色的纹理个性中不失大家风范, 高贵中不失典雅, 带您领略非洲文明的发展, 传承岁月的经典。 The golden bubinga originated from the Africa is also called African padauk, which is the best and has the beautiful texture in Africa. It is said that Zheng He of Dynasty Ming made African bubinga as ballasting wood when he went back to China after travelling to Eastern Africa, which made a great flutter at that time. The tropical rainforest that raising civilization of Africa along the Nile River, golden bubinga takes brown yellow as the main color. The soft and glossy feeling, special texture, with great style, noble with elegance will lead you to appreciate development of African civilization and inherit classic of times.
发布者:Jimmy |
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